Customers who need extra support
It’s important that we understand what our customers need from us.
When we know that a customer has additional needs or vulnerabilities, we can tailor our services to make them more accessible. For example, if we know that you have a visual impairment we can give you information in large print or a format you can listen to.
Personal information
We ask customers to tell us about any additional needs they have. You do not have to tell us – it is your choice. Please contact us if you'd like to update the information we have about you.
We keep your information safe, and we only view it when necessary – to manage your tenancy or to provide support services. If you have given us permission, your data may be shared with other organisations who are delivering services with us.
Read our privacy statement to see how we look after customer information.
If you would like to, you can appoint an advocate to speak to us on your behalf.
Making adjustments
If you need us to visit you, we’ll ask you if there is anything we can do to support you with our visit. You could tell us, for example, that it takes you a long time to answer the door because of health or mobility issues.
You might not always need the same kind of support, and we encourage you to update us as your needs change.
Where we work with external companies to provide services to you, we make sure they have been trained to understand and support people who need extra support.
Ways we can help
NCHA is able to provide technology which can help people remain independent in their own home. Our Customer Wellbeing team can provide telephone support as well as things like pendant alarms and medication reminders.
We can also make adaptations to homes to support people with disabilities. Please contact us to see how we can help you.
Who we can help
We can make adjustments to services for people who:
- are blind and partially sighted - for example, if you require us to communicate with you in Braille
- are deaf or have partial hearing - for example, we can allow additional time to answer the door when we knock, or text you ahead of time
- have difficulty walking short distances or climbing stairs - for example, we can allow additional time for you to answer the door when we visit you
- have difficulty carrying objects, using a keyboard, or working the controls for things like household appliances
- need extra time to process information
- don't speak English, and may require translation
- have support from social services, or a voluntary support group.
Download this policy in full
Customer With Vulnerabilities Policy
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