Tenant handbook Our tenant handbook sets out what you need to know to manage your home and your tenancy. Tenant handbook Changes in my household If there are changes in your household, such as people moving in or out, you need to tell us. Changes in my household Pets in your home Information on keeping a pet in your home. Pets in your home Ending my tenancy Information about how to tell us that you are ending your tenancy with us. Ending my tenancy Help with my tenancy We can help you with your tenancy, supporting you with managing and running your home. Help with my tenancy Additional support This policy explains how NCHA supports customers with additional needs and vulnerabilities. Additional support Tenancy visits From time to time, we'll need to visit you in your home - this is called a tenancy visit. Tenancy visits Mutual exchanges A mutual exchange is a way for tenants to swap homes with another tenant. Mutual exchanges Buying my home If you'd like to buy your NCHA home, there are schemes that can help you. Buying my home Market rent tenants Information for customers who rent their home from NCHA at a market rent. Market rent tenants