Stepping Stones South
Stepping Stones South, which is in Nottingham, provides accommodation with support to adults with mental health concerns, learning disabilities and physical disabilities.
To use our services, you will need to be referred to us by a social worker - contact us using the details below.
Contact us
- Address: Carlton, Nottingham
- Telephone number: 0115 822 5966
- Email address:
How we can help
We offer supported accommodation to help people with a learning or physical disability, autism or a mental health issue. We support people aged 18 to 65, for a period of up to six months. During that time we help people develop the skills they need to live independently, and support them to find a new place to live.
We are not able to support people with complex additional care and support needs, or those who have night time care requirements.
Our service is personalised to the needs of the people we support. This could include help with budgeting, claiming benefits, dealing with debts, finding local courses and activities – and much more. We work with people to help them develop their confidence around things like using public transport, keeping their home safe and tidy, looking after their health, and communicating with people.
The people we support
People typically come to us because they are leaving hospital or accommodation where supported is provided around the clock. An assessment will have shown that they no longer require the intensive support offered by these services.
It could be that they have been living with their families and the accommodation available to them is unsuitable. They may be at risk of abuse or self-neglect, or it could be that they are unable to remain in their current home. We will help new residents to adjust to life outside of a 24-hour care setting, or the family home, and to develop a greater level of independence.
When someone is referred to us, we carry out an assessment to look at their care needs and any risks affecting them. This helps us to see whether we can provide the right support to that person, and also to check whether they could pose a danger to themselves or to our existing residents. If we have to refuse someone’s application, we will explain clearly, and will try to suggest alternative options for them.
We have 13 furnished one bedroom self-contained flats over three floors. We have a staff office on site, car parking and communal gardens. We're located close to local amenities with good public transport links.

"Here at Stepping Stones South, our aim is to support people to live independently in the community."
Katy, Project Manager