Nuthall Road

Nuthall Road is located in Cinderhill, Nottingham, and provides accommodation and support for adults with mental health needs, intellectual disabilities and complex needs.

Contact us

To get support from Nuthall Road, you will usually need to be referred to us by a social worker.

Living at Nuthall Road

We offer a friendly and supportive environment for adults from 18 to over 65. Our garden, which has recently been landscaped, gives people the space they need to enjoy the outdoors and socialise with each other. It’s accessible to wheelchairs, with flat surfaces and raised beds. 

People choose the range of activities we arrange, so there is always something new and interesting happening. Karaoke has been a popular choice! We hold a weekly disco, and when it’s someone’s birthday, we make a celebration of it. We work on our allotment, try out different crafts, and in the summer we love a barbecue. Most importantly, when December rolls around, Father Christmas calls in to see us. 

How can we help

We provide long-term accommodation and tailored support. Residents share their views through regular meetings where they have an input into how the service is run. We respect their choices and privacy and make sure our service is inclusive to all. It’s important that everyone feels safe and welcome at Nuthall Road.

Residents will have a key worker who helps to develop support plans and risk assessments around individual needs. They will be supported to live a fulfilled life, with as much choice, control and independence as possible. We’ll support them to improve their wellbeing, develop life skills and get the most out of life. Colleagues are available on site seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

Our accommodation

Nuthall Road is a small secure complex of five bungalows and four flats. Parking is available and has a communal garden for barbecues and other outdoor activities. We are well connected to local buses, shops and Nottingham city centre.

Our CQC rating

We are regularly inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). They publish the most recent CQC report about Nuthall Road on their website.

Meet the manager, Gail

My passion is that people are supported on a daily basis to live a happy and fulfilled life, as independently as possible. My role is to oversee the care and support our staff team provides, ensuring everyone is happy, safe and receiving support tailored to their individual needs.

It really matters to us that everyone has a good quality of life. Nuthall Road is a little community, and we all support each other.