Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Partnership

The Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Partnership comprises three local organisations: NCHA Derbyshire Wish, the Elm Foundation, and Crossroads Derbyshire. We provide domestic abuse support across Derbyshire. (We don’t cover the city of Derby – for information about domestic abuse support services in Derby, please check the Derby City Council website.)

Contact us

If you think that you are experiencing abuse – or you’re worried about someone you know – help is available. You can refer yourself to the Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Helpline by phone on 08000 198 668 or by text on 07534 617 252. The helpline is open from 8am to 10pm, Monday to Friday. For support outside of these times, ring the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247. You can also email us:

By talking to our helpline staff, you’ll be offered access to all appropriate domestic abuse services in Derbyshire.

Professional referrals

The Derbyshire Domestic Helpline is the single point of access to all domestic abuse services provided throughout Derbyshire. Referrals can be made to us directly by calling the Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Helpline on 08000 198 668 or emailing a referral form to


Our accommodation, which is spread throughout Derbyshire, offers a secure and private location with a supportive team. Our dedicated children’s workers provide emotional and practical support to those who need it.

We have a range of accommodation from bed spaces in refuges to community properties which can accommodate larger families. We are Ofsted-registered, which means we can accommodate 16 and 17-year-olds.

We help people to access financial help, benefits, housing (for when they are ready to move on), legal guidance, immigration matters, health services, education opportunities, and assistance with training and getting into work.

How we can help

Community and outreach support

We have a team who can provide support and help ensure your safety – as well as the safety of your children, if you have any. Our community outreach team works with women, men and children who are experiencing abuse, preparing to leave an abusive situation, or rebuilding their life.

We can provide support services across Derbyshire at neutral venues, and at your home if you feel safe there. Our services are free and confidential. We will work with you to understand your needs, and shape our support around you. We can offer one-to-one sessions in person and over the phone, as well as group sessions.

Support for children and young people

We have a dedicated children's worker who can provide children and young people with a safe and reassuring environment to discuss their experiences.

We’re also able to support children – and their families or carers – where there is a risk of them harming others. Visit the Making Positive Choices website for information.

Where young people are at high risk due to domestic abuse, we have specialists in our team who have accreditation to support young people who are at risk of serious harm. This can involve a service called the Young Persons’ Violence Advocate Pathway.


We provide one-to-one counselling sessions, which are available both in person and online. We also offer group sessions, and support over the phone. With our specialist team we can help you explore the impact of your experiences, at your own pace. Counselling sessions are available for adults and children who have experienced domestic abuse.

Group work

We also run group sessions support survivors as they recover. These include:

  • Freedom Programme – this is for people who are in or have experienced abusive relationships
  • Freedom Forward/Power to Change – for people who are no longer in abusive relationships, and are ready to build back their confidence and self esteem
  • Voice Recovery – a programme for adults that explores domestic abuse, coercive control, and the behaviours that are involved.

Moving on

When you’re ready to move out of a refuge and into a new home, we will support you with every aspect of gaining back your independence.

Making changes

If you’ve started to think that you might be harming, hurting, scaring on controlling your partner, the free service provided by the Changes programme can help you to address your behaviour and make a positive change. 

Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Partnership is a service commissioned by Derbyshire County Council. Additional services are funded by the Office of the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner, and The National Lottery.