
We can all have times in our lives where we feel low or sad. These feelings are normal, especially when there are events going on in our lives that have made us upset or caused difficulty. But if these feelings persist, it can be a sign of depression.

Depression is a mental health problem that involves having a persistent low mood. It can change the way you feel and can take the enjoyment from life. It can also cause a range of other changes to how you feel or behave. Depression can be experienced as mild, moderate and severe.

How to get support

If you need some support with your mental health, try Togetherall. NCHA has partnered with Togetherall to give customers (aged 16 and over) access to a safe online space where people can ask questions and support each other with mental health concerns.

To learn more about depression and how to manage it take a look at the guide to depression from Mind.

Some councils have schemes to provide local support services.