Domestic abuse

We provide support, as well as safe housing in secure locations, to people and families experiencing domestic abuse.

We have refuges for women (and children) only, as well as properties in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire which can accommodate men, women, and larger families. Once people are ready to move on to more permanent accommodation, our team will help them settle in their new home.

If you have children, we know how worried you will be about the disruption that may be caused by moving to a refuge. Children's welfare is central to our work, and we partner with local education services to ensure they get all the support they need.

Some of our properties are able to accept pets.

View our care homes and services to see what's available in your area (though to protect people using our services, we don't share specific locations of domestic abuse services).

If you live in an NCHA property...

If you're living in an NCHA property and experiencing domestic abuse, contact us. Our teams can help with things ranging from security upgrades and legal action to getting you moved to a new home. 

If you're an NCHA customer who lives in Derbyshire, we can provide you with additional support - either in your home or at a safe place in your community. Our support is available to adults, young people and children who are affected by domestic violence or abuse - contact us for help. 

Our plans 

Our goal for domestic abuse is to put a stop to it - download our domestic abuse plan to find out how we're working to achieve this.

Concerned about someone?

If you think someone is in immediate danger from domestic abuse, dial 999 and tell the police. Contact your local neighbourhood policing team if it’s not an emergency. You can also contact the National Domestic Abuse Helpline for advice and support: ring them on 0808 2000 247 at any time. A charity called Respect runs an advice line for men, which is 0808 801 0327.