Get money and benefits support

You may have seen reports in the media this week about the government’s plans to change the disability and welfare benefits that people can access.

We appreciate this is causing anxiety and worry for many of our customers around how these changes might affect you and your loved ones.

If your benefits are cut but your support needs remain high, we encourage you to ask questions and challenge decisions where appropriate to ensure you’re getting the best possible support package for your needs.

We’re here to help

Speak with a member of our team or contact us using this online form if you need any extra help around understanding how the benefits system works, and the support available to you. We can give you advice to ensure you claim the benefits that you are entitled to.

Here are just some of the resources and support avenues you can access:

  • Grants: Lightning Reach can help you find grants and local schemes to help you with energy bills and upgrades.
  • Grants: Turn2Us is a national charity which helps people access grants and benefits.
  • Household Support Fund: This fund supports vulnerable people on low incomes with the cost of essentials such as, food, clothing and utilities. Contact your local council for help accessing this fund.
  • Barclays Digital Wings is a free online platform for NCHA customers. Access everything from debt management support to life skills courses and financial wellbeing workshops.
  • Discounts, vouchers and freebies: NCHA has partnered with Housing Perks to help customers save money on everyday items. You can get discounts, vouchers, cash back and free items. To get started, download the Housing Perks app, enter ‘Nottingham Community Housing Association’ as your landlord and enter your tenant reference number. (Read the Housing Perks’ privacy policy before you sign up for an account.)
  • Get advice on benefits.

Need more support?

If you need more advice or support, please feel welcome to contact our Community Support team for extra help with things such as energy advice and accessing foodbank vouchers (etc.) at: