Get free online careers support
Skillsminer is a free platform for all NCHA customers to access online careers and work-related support and guidance.
By signing up to this platform, you can build a personal profile through the ‘Career Match’ tool.
Skillsminer will then automatically search all job sites and show you suitable job vacancies. Based on the information you give, it will also recommend courses, provide support videos and advise on things like how to build a CV and interview techniques (etc.).
How to sign up
To sign up, please use this link on the Skillsminer website.
Full step-by-step instructions to guide you through the sign-up process can be found on the Skillsminer YouTube channel. We recommend you take a look at this, so you can get the most out of this platform.
Protecting your data
Skillsminer is a third party service – meaning it’s not managed or delivered by NCHA. It’s important you read all terms and conditions carefully before signing up to any third party service, as NCHA is not responsible for the agreement you enter into with them.
By signing up to Skillsminer, please be aware you’ll be sharing your data with the organisation directly. Any issues that arise must be resolved with Skillsminer.
More careers support
We also offer two employability courses – called ‘Live and Learn’ and ‘Take 5’ – which are free for any NCHA customers to complete and will boost your CV and work related skills.
You can find wider support on a range of topics by visiting our self-help webpage.