The benefits of volunteering

Kelly Moloney, Contracts Manager, who specialises in volunteering.

Volunteering offers fantastic benefits to our communities. It makes a very real difference to people’s lives and their environments, as well as enriching the lives of those who volunteer their time and skills.

Be the change you want to see

This first week in June is Volunteer’s Week, offering us a chance to recognise the amazing contribution volunteers make to our communities, and thank them.

Organised by NCVO (The National Council for Voluntary Organisations), this year Volunteer’s Week is celebrating diversity in volunteering and encouraging people to ‘be the change they want to see.’

Volunteering at NCHA

At NCHA, our volunteering programme works to enhance and improve the lives of volunteers and customers, while making a difference in our communities, giving something back, and generating meaningful social impact.

We offer numerous volunteering opportunities – ranging from painting to gardening sessions – for the benefit of NCHA customers across in all the areas where we work.

To find out more about volunteering with NCHA, email us at:

Our plan

Our aim is always to engage volunteers in a way that creates a lasting positive experience for the benefit of both our volunteers and the communities we support. 

The plan sets out our future plans for engaging volunteers and our vision for the future.

Together, we hope to create opportunities which can empower colleagues, customers and the public to volunteer their time, talent and knowledge, both individually and in groups, to create a meaningful and lasting positive social impact.

Learn more about volunteering.