Our big plans for customer involvement

At NCHA we’re proud of our history of involving customers in our operations, but we know that we have room to improve too.

We’ve put together our plan for customer involvement over the next five years, that outlines where we are now, the challenges we face, and where we’re aiming to get to. Have a read if you want to find out more about our objectives.

Our vision is that NCHA will have a customer involvement offer that gives a voice to all of our housing and care and support communities, and reflects a genuine co-design and collaborative approach. We want there to be a clear link from informal, community based engagement through to the formal groups and to NCHA Board – enabling real influence through engagement.

Care and Support engagement offer

We’re pleased to say that we’re making progress with the plan already and we’re improving our Care and Support engagement offer by appointing two new members to our Care Committee.

Our Care Committee is made up of NCHA Board members and independent experts, who monitor our care and support services. We wanted a new member to join the committee as our “expert by experience”. This is someone who has experience of interacting with care and support services, either by living in one of our care and support services, or is related to someone who lives in one of our care and support services.

Following a successful recruitment campaign, we are delighted to appoint current customer Sarah, and former customer Kristin. Sarah lives at Saxon Court in Northampton, while Kristen used to live at Stephanie Lodge.

Both will be attending their first Care Committee later this month, so look out for more on them coming soon.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the ways you can have your say, have a look at the ‘Get involved’ section of our website.