Congratulations to our apprentices

This week, as part of National Apprenticeship Week, we held a celebration event to recognise the achievements of our apprentices, and other learners, who completed their qualifications in the last year. It was a fantastic opportunity for colleagues to come together and have their achievements recognised.

The host was David Langhorne, Director of Assets and Property Services, who congratulated colleagues for their achievements. He said: “I know the journey won’t have been easy; there will have been long hours, late nights and times when you’ve questioned your choices, but you’ve not given up and you’ve achieved something incredibly worthwhile for your future.”

Spencer Welby, Assistant Director of People, paid credit to Angela and Gabriella from the Learning and Organisational Development team, thanking them for the time and support they give to all our learners.

Finally, Kathy Howarth, Commercial Director at Access Training, spoke about the pride that Access Training have being co-owned by NCHA. She emphasised the importance of gaining skills for life, not just the technical skills, but perseverance, communication skills, team working and much more.

Congratulations to 14 colleagues

A total of 14 NCHA colleagues completed a qualification in 2024, in a range of subjects including adult care work, facilities management, housing and property management, learning and development, and procurement.

Everyone present who’d completed an apprenticeship received a certificate as a token of our congratulations, and a cake was shared to mark the occasion.

At NCHA we have a strong track record for providing apprenticeships on a range of topics. Our apprenticeships can be offered both as new vacancies to colleagues joining the business, and existing colleagues who want to develop their knowledge.

Find out more about apprenticeships at NCHA on our website.

National Apprenticeship Week celebration event 2025

Apprentice Event 2024 Happy Big Group Shot