Our performance

We monitor NCHA’s services and ask our customers to tell us how satisfied they are with us.

We also share ideas and best practice with other housing associations, and learn from their experiences.

We’re listening – and improving

When you make a complaint, we listen, and we work to resolve it. But that’s not the end of it: we also look at why you’ve had cause to make a complaint, and what we can do to improve things so that it doesn’t happen again.

We look at what else is happening in the social housing sector, and take that into account when we plan our services. We combine this information with things like customer satisfaction surveys, rulings from the housing ombudsman, and our own research to help us get a clear view of what matters most to people. We make sure the voices of our customers are heard, and that they are acted on: we have customer panels and committees to focus on key topics and shape our work.

We’re making changes as a result of what you tell us

Here are some recent examples of changes we’ve made in response to feedback from customers:

  • Reminding our colleagues to be considerate when it comes to noise - especially when there is a change of shift early in the morning. We now send out regular reminder emails to reinforce this.
  • Supporting our residents to dispose of their rubbish correctly. Concerns were raised about messy bin stores and fly tipping, so we've sent letters, held meetings, and organised regular communal clean-ups.
  • Communicating with individual customers in a way that best suits their needs. We've done this by giving our colleagues extra training to remind them of the options available and when to use them.

It’s your voice – please use it.

How are we doing?

We believe it's important that our customers and stakeholders know how we're performing. The table below sets out our recent performance on complaints. 

Complaints Quarter 3
Quarter 4
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Number of complaints we received 289 275 238 286 331
Subject of complaints:          
+ Colleague conduct 15 24 13 35 35
+ Service delivery 268 224 213 244 295
+ Policy 4 18 10 5 -
+ Other 2 9 2 2 1
Average number of days to close a complaint 10.6 9.1 11.4 10.6 13.7
Customer satisfaction with how complaints were handled 93% 76% 85% 88% 69%

Our performance report

We’re committed to working with the Housing Ombudsman to improve our performance. The performance report from Housing Ombudsman details decisions made about our organisation. We use this to review where things may have gone wrong and how we can improve our services in the future.