Meet Sarah, our ILOPs Manager

NCHA offers a wide range of housing options to meet the needs of our diverse communities, including Independent Living Accommodation for Older People (ILOP).

Sarah, our dedicated ILOP Manager, oversees 13 schemes across the East Midlands, providing support and guidance to Scheme Managers. She’s playing a pivotal role in the upcoming opening of Farnborough Court, a flagship ILOP scheme in Clifton.

Sarah's vision for Farnborough Court

“This is an incredibly exciting project,” says Sarah. “We worked closely with the design team to create a purpose-built scheme that meets the specific needs of older people. It's highly energy efficient and built for the future.”

Benefits of independent living accommodation

Residents of ILOP schemes enjoy the privacy and freedom of their own apartments while benefitting from support services that provide comfort and reassurance. This approach fosters independence while ensuring a sense of security.

Explore Farnborough Court

If you're considering independent living for yourself or a loved one, take a look for yourself. This exceptional scheme offers a unique blend of independence and peace of mind.

“We're excited to celebrate the Open Day and welcome potential new residents to this remarkable community,” says Sarah. “Join us on Friday 28 June and discover the many benefits of Farnborough Court.”