Nominate now in our Better Lives Awards

Last year, to mark our 50th anniversary, we recognised some of our colleagues and customers who had achieved great things through our first ever Better Lives Awards.

We had so many outstanding nominations, plus brilliant feedback on the awards event, we decided to hold them again this year!

It’s a great opportunity to celebrate our colleagues and customers who do so many fantastic things in pursuit of our achieving our vision of more home, great services, better lives.

The winners will be decided by a group of NCHA customers.

Here are this year’s award categories:

Customer Journey Award 

This award will go to a customer who has overcome significant barriers, issues or situations to achieve incredible outcomes.

Community Heroes Award 

This award is for a customer, or group of customers, who has made a significant positive impact on their community, neighbours or co-residents, either with an ongoing initiative, or a one off event.

Impact on our Homes and Places Award 

This award is for a colleague who’s made a significant impact on one or more of our places for the benefit of our customers or the environment.

Customer Champion Award 

This award is for a colleague who’s supported a customer and achieved a great outcome. Nominations are welcome from customers directly or from colleagues, and customers may be internal (colleague) or external.

Outstanding Team Award 

This award is for a team who have come together to address a situation, which could either be a single event or an ongoing issue. They will have shown resilience, great team work, and positivity when faced with adversity. Teams can be any shape or size.

Better Lives Person of the Year Award 

This award is for an individual who has delivered outstanding contributions to our organisations and our customers. They will consistently display our values, help their colleagues, work towards our organisational goals and make an outstanding impact on our customers and services.

How to nominate someone for an award

  • Use the links above to complete the nomination form for the category/categories you want to submit.
  • You can nominate yourself or someone you know
  • Please give as much detail as possible to help the judges make their decision
  • If you want to make more than one nomination in any category, please complete a new nomination form
  • You don't need to seek consent from someone before nominating them as we will do that before potentially sharing their name and details.

The deadline for nominations is 5pm on Wednesday 31 July 2024.

Date for the diary

The awards ceremony will take place on Wednesday 6 November 2024 as part of our online colleague conference. This year we’ll be working with Notts TV to deliver the event. We’ll share details on how to watch closer to the time.

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to nominate someone for an award. We can’t wait to recognise some of our fantastic colleagues and customers later this year.