Get work and career support online

Skillsminer is a free online platform available for all NCHA customers to access careers and work related support and guidance.

By signing up to this platform, you can build a personal profile through the ‘Career Match’ tool.

Skillsminer will then automatically search all job sites and show you suitable job vacancies. Once you have created your profile, you can return anytime you want to find updated opportunities.

Based on your personal profile, Skillsminer also provides:

  • Recommended qualifications and online courses
  • Videos to address skills gaps and understand occupations
  • A CV builder that writes content for you based on your skills and experience.

How to sign up

You can register for an account for free using this link on the Skillsminer website.

Full step-by-step instructions to guide you through the sign-up process can be found on the Skillsminer YouTube channel. We recommend you take a look so you can get the most out of this platform.

You can find wider support on a range of topics by visiting our self-help webpage.