Customer Committee achievements (2023/24)

The Customer Committee is a sub committee of the Board of Management at NCHA. Its purpose is to oversee the performance of NCHA, specifically in relation to customer experience. 

The Customer Committee is made up of three customers, three Board members and is chaired by an Independent Chair, Raj Kumar, who is not a member of staff, customer or Board Member. Raj is an expert in resident involvement and works across a number of organisations, including NCHA, to support their governance and resident involvement work.

The Committee is part of the formal governance structure at NCHA. It's a commitment to transparent performance management whilst putting our customers at the heart of the business.

Read full details of the Customer Committee membership.

Our achievements in 2023/24

The Committee met four times in 2023/24.  We made a number of important decisions, including the approval of:

  • Customer involvement budget
  • Estate Management policy
  • Customers with Vulnerabilities policy
  • The approach to collecting our Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)
  • Annual report to customers
  • Recommendations and associated action plan from the Scrutiny Report into complaints management and learning from complaints
  • Terms of reference for our Homes and Neighbourhood customer involvement panel and our Care and Support voice panel.

We also:

  • Reviewed the annual complaints and compensation performance, including the self-assessment against the Housing Ombudsman Code
  • Made recommendations on the Compensation policy for NCHA’s Board
  • Reviewed all Housing Ombudsman findings of maladministration in our service delivery and reviewed the lessons learned and actions coming from these
  • Reviewed NCHA’s progress against our ‘Homes for Cathy’ homelessness commitments and Better Social Housing Review actions.

We received a really good update report on the development of Scheme Managers – who support us on the upkeep of communal areas. Following customer feedback, this service has been developed and cleaning has been outsourced to contractors. This means our Scheme Managers, now known as Multi-site Services Officers, can complete small repairs and maintenance jobs more quickly and efficiently.

We considered the results of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures and the actions NCHA planned to take to improve areas where satisfaction was low, including complaints handling, communal areas and the time taken to complete a repair.

In terms of performance management, we also saw quarterly reports on key performance data telling us what was working well and what needed improvement in key areas such as complaints, responsive repairs and landlord health and safety.

All in all, it’s been a busy and productive year for the Customer Committee.