Email newsletters

Interested in what’s going on at NCHA? Sign up for our free email newsletters and have news stories delivered to your inbox.

You can choose the topics you're most interested in - everything from job vacancies and ways to get involved with NCHA to new homes and advice on making your money go further.

You can alter your subscription or unsubscribe at any time - simply follow the link at the foot of any of our newsletters. Your email address will not be shared with anyone else - read our privacy policy if you'd like to know more about NCHA's commitment to your data.

Here's an example of our main newsletter so you know what to look out for.

Link magazine

Once a year, in the spring, we send a copy of Link magazine to NCHA tenants. The magazine provides updates on our services. In the autumn we send the latest copy of our Annual Report to customers.

Voicebox magazine

Voicebox is a magazine created for and by people who use our care and support services. It contains stories, artwork and news that they want to share. 
